The Pack 564 Spring Trip will take place at Majestic Caverns (formerly DeSoto Caverns), roughly 2.5 hours from Lilburn. Arrive 6PM on Saturday, March 18 (note there is a 1 hr time difference). Saturday Dinner on your own before 6PM. Sunday breakfast will be included. Five attractions completed as a group on Sunday morning is also included. Bring the whole family!
Majestic Caverns
5181 DeSoto Caverns Parkway
Childersburg, Alabama 35044
Packing List:
- A backpack or duffel bag packed with all of your gear. Helpful Hint: You will carry your gear .2 miles from the parking area to the cave, so pack what you can carry that distance.
- A sturdy flashlight with charged batteries (one for each person in your party)
- A small pack to carry a water bottle
- Toothpaste and toothbrush
- Change of clothes, socks, and a jacket
- Towel (we have a few indoor showers located at our Coosa Pavilion)
- Pillow
- Plastic bag for dirty clothes. If you are planning on doing attractions, plan for having fun and possibly sweating a little, so bring a bag for dirty clothes.
- Sleeping bag, ground cloth (tarp, plastic) if spending the night. Tents are not needed since we will be inside the cavern.
- Helpful Hint: If you are staying overnight, remember our Caverns is 60 degrees year round, so bring pajamas that would be most comfortable for you in that temperature
- Helpful Hint: We do have electricity in the cave, so if you want to bring an air mattress and pump, there are ways to pump the mattress up.
What NOT to bring?
- To protect the cave and abide by the laws of the state of Alabama, a few items are not allowed in the cave. The following is a list of items that are not allowed during your stay in DeSoto Caverns.
- Food or drinks (water is allowed, but carbonated drinks and other pollutants, if spilled, damage the formations of the natural Caverns. These spills require intensive cleaning measures using ecologically approved cleaners that will not harm the caverns. Also certain foods may draw animals that do not have a natural environment within caverns and could negatively effect the ecology. So, in the best interest preserving this natural environment we do not allow these items.)
- Cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco. Majestic Caverns is a tobacco free environment and such items would leave a harmful residue or pollutant on the environment.
- Chewing gum : this is another harmful pollutant to the caverns environment when not disposed of properly.
- Alcohol or drugs
- Pets (Although we love our pets, our caverns can only welcome pets for as long as they can be held. During overnight stays they cannot be held throughout the entirety and their urine contains harmful acids for the caverns environment. So, in the best interest of preserving the natural habitat and protecting the caverns, we must prohibit pets from being brought into the cave for an overnight stay)
- Laser pointers
- Video games
- Weapons or fireworks (these items are prohibited by law as the use of them would damage the caverns and be considered a federal offense under the The Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988)
- Helpful Hint: If you medically must have certain foods, please call the Majestic Caverns office for details and we will give you instructions on how bring your needed items while being given resources on how to properly contain and dispose of the items.