Due to a scheduling conflict, we’ll be meeting in the Camp Creek Elementary School cafeteria instead of at Mountain Park United Methodist Church. The meeting time remains 7 p.m.
This meeting will be your last opportunity to sign up for fall family camping, so make sure to reserve a campsite for your family at the registration table at the pack of the meeting room! If you haven’t paid your fees for camping, please remember to bring a check payable to BSA Pack 564!
The pack is planning a variety of activities, including opportunities to earn belt loops and a pack dinner and campfire. Volunteers are needed to run belt loop sessions. Please contact Cubmaster Lance Wallace if you’d like to help.
You’ll also be able to sign up to attend the Pack Night at the Gwinnett Gladiators on Jan. 10.
And den leaders will be choosing a neighborhood to distribute Harvest for the Hungry food collection bags on Nov. 1, with pickup one week later.
Finally, don’t forget to bring your popcorn forms and money! We’ll be tallying up sales since the last pack meeting and raffling off more prizes.